Dan Montez has
been an opera singer and noted stage director for
twenty-five years. He has performed principal
roles in or directed more than one hundred
productions and has appeared in numerous houses,
including San Francisco Opera, Carnegie Hall and
Lincoln Center. For over a fifteen years, he has
been General Director of Taconic Opera
in New York. In addition, Mr. Montez concert
pianist, conductor, composer, linguist, pedagogue
and lecturer.
Before becoming an
opera singer and achieving recognition in other
areas of the classical music industry,
Dan Montez began by working for
the Zig Ziglar Corporation, selling motivational
books and recordings. He later he moved on to
writing and lecturing in the self-help industry.
His writing was featured as the cover story in
Norman Vincent Peale’s periodical,
Living and he became the
editor of a his own subscription
periodical, Positive
Life. In this capacity,
he reviewed products from Nightingale-Conant
audio and wrote numerous articles on achieving
your goals and dreams. While on a trip to sing in
Barcelona, Spain, Montez authored his first
book, Don’t Believe It! How to
follow your dreams in spite of those who say
you can’t. His
other books include Singing For Your Supper: What
They Don’t Teach You in School About an
Opera Career and
his most recent Singing in Your Sleep: The
Personality You will Need to Have a Career in
Opera. He and his wife
Melissa homeschool their three children in
Westchester County, New York.